Speak Up Cville Toastmasters Club

Michaels Craft Store First Floor

Are you petrified to speak in front of others? Are you motivated to improve? If you answered "yes" to these, Toastmasters is the place for you! Come join us while we all work to develop or improve our communication and leadership skills. Toastmasters offers a proven program and this club has a positive and supportive environment. This club is open to everyone. There's no obligation or cost if you

Beekeeping Workshop - Morven Kitchen Garden


Interested in learning about beekeeping? The Morven Kitchen Garden (MKG) is hosting two free beginning beekeeping classes this spring.  Join us Thursday, March from 4-6 pm.   The instructor is Heather Strertzer, a beekeeper and Co-Owner of Scottsville Supply Company LLC.  MKG is a one acre market garden where UVA students learn, lead, and connect through growing food sustainably. In addition to

Another Event

UVA Children's Hospital

Nunc vitae eros rhoncus, tempus enim a, euismod neque. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus vestibulum placerat egestas. Pellentesque nec pellentesque turpis. Nam dapibus semper laoreet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi molestie eu velit et hendrerit. Praesent ut augue non nunc tempor blandit. Quisque a faucibus sapien, non dignissim justo. Quisque tempus quis dui vitae sodales. Sed vel ornare

Some Event

UVA Rotunda

Etiam mattis ligula non justo semper, at rhoncus elit dictum. Proin nec ligula consequat, laoreet orci nec, fermentum elit. Nam vel est metus. Maecenas quis dapibus nibh. Nullam pellentesque eget nisl ac euismod. Duis ligula massa, volutpat a lobortis fringilla, vehicula id leo. Aliquam ac porta ipsum. Sed a dolor malesuada, scelerisque ipsum sed, ultrices arcu. Duis dictum eros sem, non placerat

John Doe

Male stock headshot
Job Title
Professor of Mathematics