SIF85 Neuroscience
Project Manager: Ian Baucom, College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Neuroscience and Energy Strategic Research Initiatives: The purpose of this award is to provide initial interest costs (3 yrs) for renovation of the Gilmer/Chemistry buildings to support growth in neuroscience and energy.
BoV Approved: December 2016
Project Dates: 12/21/2016 – 12/20/2019
Total Funding: $521,844
Executive Summary
This project provided funding support for debt service for the University’s approximately fifty million-dollar contribution to renovation expense for two buildings constructed in the 1960’s that are critical to research and instruction at the University. Renovations at the Chemistry Building and in the Gilmer Hall Addition are nearing completion, and renovations in the original portion of Gilmer Hall have begun, with completion scheduled for 2022. Gilmer Hall and the Gilmer Hall Addition provide space essential for neuroscience research. The renewed Chemistry Building now provides state of the art space for Energy research.
Current Status: Completed
The PAC performed a final review of this award in June 2020. This project succeeded in developing flexible laboratory space to house new hires in neuroscience and energy research areas. The neuroscience lab renovations were completed, and the energy lab was near completion at reporting time. Collaborative spaces were created between the School of Medicine, School of Data Science, and School of Engineering and Applied Science. The hiring of JC Cang, Xiaorang Liu. John Campbell, Adema Ribic, and Robert Gilliard are considered by the PAC to be excellent outcomes, as the space was cited to be an attraction that facilitated these hires.