SIF42 ResearchUVA
Project Manager: Stewart Craig, Office of Sponsored Programs
The purpose of this project is to design, implement and provide ongoing support of robust electronic research support systems.
BoV Approved: September 2016
Project Dates: 10/20/2016 – 10/19/2019
Total Funding: $2,952,724
Executive Summary:
UVA faculty submit more than $1 billion in research proposals each year. This enterprise- wide information system will provide access to critical sponsored program financial information, supporting grant proposal submission and development. ResearchUVA will increase efficiencies, reduce compliance risk and shrink the administrative burden on faculty, allowing them to devote more time to research. In addition, the system also will enable the University to track and report on proposal activity, including “hit rates” and operational metrics.
Award Status: Completed
ResearchUVA is the pre-award system currently in use at UVA. SIF funding made it possible to create this system with the following benefits: it replaced paper files with its document repository capabilities; it helped with OSP’s ability to standardize and govern data; it improved routing and workflow capabilities for electronic approvals associated with proposals and non-funded agreements; it added the ability to track workloads via action assignment lines. The PAC performed a final review of this award in April 2020. It was determined that this project completed its goals and, most significantly, provided an important step in the transition of the University’s research administration platform from paper to an electronic system.